Tuesday, September 18, 2007

A Man's Best Friend(s)

My specialty, if I have to pick one, would be weddings and portraiture. I include those in one unit because, really, a wedding ends up being a bunch of different kinds of portraits. Usually, that involves... humans.

But every once in a while we get to do a portrait of a non-person, so say some, but many people consider their pets to be more human than an awful lot of the two-legged members of their families, which is how I got to meet this little fella, Diesel. I should probably be more respectful when I say "little".

At any rate, I got a call one day from Suzanne -- a very nice lady -- wanting to surprise her husband for Father's Day, with a portrait of his "two favorite people" -- she and his little patriotic bundle of joy. So, we met one day at a local park and had some fun.

A couple of visiting squirrels helped add a little excitement to the day...

...and while we were trying to get Diesel to give us a nice 3/4 pose so we could catch the light just right, we had to pause for a play break, because after all.... all work and no play makes Diesel a bit grumpy.

But all's well that ends well and dad ended up with the lovely portrait below for Father's Day.... of his two favorite people, Suzanne and Diesel. One man's two best friends.

Have an awesome day.


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